Spiritual Information: Foresight & Premonition With Jessica Kozak – Episode 4

As spiritual seekers, we know that information from the spiritual world is vital to our growth. But what kind of information is available to us and how does it help us? What doesn’t make it any easier is there seems to be a lot of overlap with intuitive/psychic information, blurring the lines and making it difficult to distinguish among them. While this overlap is real, I’m going to differentiate a little bit so we can start to see how they fit together. The first up is foresight and premonition.

Our spiritual guide today is Jessica Kozak, psychic counselor, and healer. Jessica is going to give us information on the nature of foresight, what can be seen, what can’t be seen and why, and demonstrate how foresight can help you on your soul path. We’re also going to talk about how foresight and premonitions aren’t just for psychics, and that you can get your own intuitive future information.

What You’ll Learn In Today’s Episode

  • How far into the future can we see
  • How this affects our power of choice and free will
  • How free will and predestination aren’t mutually exclusive
  • How foresight can help us on our soul path
  • Why getting “bad” or “negative” information can be helpful to us
  • Why you get specific information for some future events and not for others
  • If psychics are “psychic” all the time
  • Why it’s important not to think that you aren’t intuitive or psychic

Resources in Today’s Episode

Jessica Kozak: Website / Facebook

Monthly Psychic Development Group

Practical Mystics FB Group

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